Making a difference with the Institute of Aquaphobia

Aquaphobia Learning Programme

We are truly passionate about supporting people in their swimming journey and helping them to reach their full potential in the water. Which is why we are looking forward to working alongside the Institute of Aquaphobia to further support those with a fear of water!

Drowning prevention is a cause particularly close to our hearts here at Individuality Swimming as our Director, Gerard, has sadly experienced the loss of a loved one through drowning. Because of this, he has become incredibly committed to helping as many people as possible learn to be safe in the water, a life-saving skill that is particularly needed in a coastal community such as ours.

As founding members of the Institute, a number of our team are already trained as specialist aquaphobia coaches and offer a 12-step programme to help people address their fear and become comfortable in the water.

Unlike standard swimming lessons, the Aquaphobia Learning Programme focuses on eliminating and desensitising fear first, before teaching participants how to relax, float, and feel control in the water after. Each course will be tailored to the individual’s needs and degree of fear, going at their own preferred pace, with no set timescale or pressures to keep them comfortable at all times.

In addition to the Aquaphobia Learning Programmes, we will also be hosting a series of coffee mornings and evenings, in partnership with the Institute, to raise awareness of aquaphobia to let those with a fear of the water know what help and support is available.

We are looking forward to helping people overcome their fears and seeing just how much good this programme can do! If you are looking to overcome your fear, or simply want to find out more, visit:

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