Meet The Team

Individuality Swimming & Fitness Team Profiles



Kristin Maguire (Managing Director)

I learnt to swim at the age of 2½ and joined Poole Swimming Club when I was 8 years old. I was a member of the Club until I was 16 and competed in many competitions across England and swam for the County.

As I loved swimming so much, I became an Assistant Swimming Teacher and Lifeguard and taught at a local Leisure Centre. When I was old enough to take my Full Teachers qualification, ASA Level 2, I taught swimming evenings and weekends whilst I was at College.

At College I studied A Level I.T. and Sports Studies, also a Sports Diploma and Pre-Uniformed Services. These qualifications have helped me in my career and when I left College I worked at Fitness First as a Fitness Instructor and progressed to Studio Co-ordinator and started one to one swimming lessons in the pool.

While at Fitness First I achieved many NVQ’s, which include Personal Trainer, Circuit Instructor, Body Pump, Spinning, Aerobics, Step Aerobics, Weight Management, Nutrition and Aqua Aerobics.

After 2 years it was time to move on and I joined Swalings Swim School part-time and took ASA Parent and Baby and started to set up my own business INDIVIDUALITY, when not working. After a year I left Swalings and ran my own business full time, concentrating on small groups and one to one swimming lessons.

Since we started in 2002, INDIVIDUALITY has grown to about 3400 clients each week and I have an amazing team of teachers working for me. Individuality has now become a training academy so can train teachers inhouse and make our swim school the best which in turn makes our swimmers the best they can be. I am also the mum of three boys.

Gerard Maguire (Director)

I have been swimming from an early age and having been brought up in South Africa I spent most of my summer holidays either in a pool or in the sea. I love snorkelling, swim to keep fit and as a family we paddle board quite a lot.

I enjoy teaching parent and baby classes as you can see the babies develop and grow both physically and mentally over the lessons.

I have been lucky enough to work with some very large global brands over the years and now use that experience to help develop the swimming school.

We have three boys who all love swimming, so most weekends we go swimming as a family at some point.


Becky (Swim Manager)

I am the Swim Manager and Lead Aquatic Tutor at Individuality Swimming and Training. Growing up I was always in and around the water whether it be swimming competitively, coaching, teaching swimming or mentoring new and aspiring teachers.

I learnt to swim by accidently falling into a swimming pool on holiday at the age of 3, and deciding I could swim all on my very own. Following this eventful holiday, I joined a local learn to swim programme, and by the age of 6 years of age was invited to join Swim Bournemouth (formerly Bournemouth Dolphins), switching later into my teens to Poole Swimming Club. Throughout my journey as a competitive swimmer, I was coached my many passionate coaches and instructors who inspired me to want to pass on my knowledge and experiences to others. Poole Swimming Club gave me my first opportunity to start coaching and teaching while balancing my college studies and eventually from the age of 18 I was able to pursue my dream job full time.

Swimming for me more than just achieving a badge to move to the next level, it’s a life skill that opens so many possibilities.

My aim is to pass that same passion and enjoyment I have had from swimming over the years to all of our swimmers, and also to our amazing teaching team.

Fun Fact about yourself: I’m a bit of a music geek, I can name most songs from around the 80s onwards in any music quiz!

Favourite Stroke: Butterfly

Favourite Animal: Dolphin

Favourite Hobby: Football

Memorable Achievement: As a coach, watching my first swimmer qualify and compete at the British National Championships

Hannah (Swim Coordinator/Tutor)

I am the Swimming Coordinator at Individuality Swimming. Learning to swim at a young age, I fell in love with being in water. After I left school, I took my passion of water to the south of France for 3 years teaching sailing and windsurfing. I joined Individuality Swimming as a teacher and have worked my way up to swimming coordinator, I love being able to pass my passion into our teachers and swimmers.

I love teaching all ages and abilities, from 6 week old babies to adults who have never been in a pool before. It’s such an important skill to learn, especially when we are so lucky to live by the beach.

I love the different working days, the mornings in the office, then heading to the pool in the afternoons to meet all our swimmers, assist the teachers and pass on my love for the water. It’s great to talk to the parents to hear their water stories and how we have helped encourage their little ones. Communication is key in our company and I love to answer all the different questions.

Fun fact about yourself: I have a twin sister

Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite Animal: Turtle

Favourite Hobby: Netball

Memorable Achievement: Jumping out of a plane at 16 thousand feet high or bungee jumping off 150m bridge

Hannah J

Clodagh (Swim Coordinator)

I qualified as a swimming teacher in 2013 once I stopped competitive swimming, but I wanted to still be involved with the sport I love. I am also a qualified swimming coach and have experienced some of the swimmers that I’ve coached achieving national level.

I am passionate about swimming and I believe every child should be able to swim confidently whilst having as much fun as I do when I teach.

I teach children aged 3 plus in group and 1/2:1 lessons and I also teach adult group lessons. My aim is to keep lessons as fun as possible whilst teaching all the skills needed to become confident in the water.

Fun fact about yourself: I’m a level 2 teacher and coach and love teaching parent and baby classes

Favourite animal: Turtle

Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite hobby: Organising or shopping

Memorable achievement: I was a national competitive swimmer

Joy (Office Manager)

I have three children and all of them learnt to swim at an early age, they competed in many competitions across England and represented their County. My five grandchildren love the water too, but that is no surprise really!

I have done various jobs including working with young children and young adults in Education, been a Foster Carer for many years and also worked in a Hospice until recently.

Now working with Kristin and Gerard at Individuality in their busy office and still finding time to enjoy my grandchildren.

Favourite animal: Duck

Favourite hobby: Spending time with grandchildren

Memorable achievement: Fostering for 14 years and working in a end of life hospice


Pete (Customer Service)

My children learnt to swim at a early age and competed in many competitions across England and represented their country. I have five grandchildren and they all enjoy the water too. I run the pop up shops, help with outside events, get new business leads for swimming and also help run our Ferndown pool.

Favourite animal: Dog

Favourite hobby: Watching football

Memorable achievement: Youth football manager-winning the treble twice

Andrew S

Andrew (Poolside Manager / Swimming Instructor / Tutor)

I started swimming when I was five years old at Christchurch swimming club and grew to love swimming through the fun and care given by my old swimming teachers. At the end of my time at the club I took my first teaching qualification in 2015 and I have continued to gain new qualifications ever since!

I enjoy finding and exploring new ways to teach and impart my love of swimming and the skills I’ve acquired over the years to my swimmers. It’s also highly rewarding to see my swimmers of all ages and abilities, develop and grow in confidence in my lessons.

My parent and baby sessions give me great delight, particularly seeing little ones take their first steps in the water on their way to becoming little fishes.

Luke (Poolside Manager / Swimming Instructor/ Administrator)

I started swimming at the age of 3 on holiday in Turkey, I was taught to swim in a weird manner which meant I had to be able to get 2 metres down a fireman’s pole. From this point I grew very fond of swimming and tried to go swimming as much as possible, at the beach, on holiday or at local leisure centres.

I have been enjoying working for Individuality for the past 5 years, during this time I have taken part in multiple different training courses expanding my knowledge to teach everyone to the best of my ability and look forward to continuing to grow as a teacher. I am also a Poolside Manager so you may see me around at different venues, feel free to come and say Hello! I have also started my journey as an administrator with Individuality so listen out for me on the Phone. I look forward to Meeting you all in person.

Fun Fact about yourself: Had multiple knee surgeries

Favourite Stroke: Front crawl

Favourite Animal: Dog

Favourite Hobby: Football

Memorable Achievement: Passing my pool plant qualification

What inspired you to become a swim teacher: After completing my work experience for the company I have completed many qualifications and love passing on my knowledge

Luke W

Robert (Poolside Manager / Swimming Instructor)

I started swimming at the age of 4 and have acquired a variety of skills that I intend to pass on with the utmost care. I wish to promote fun yet safety.

I’ve been an assistant since I was 15, then became a level 1 teacher at 17 and I went on to progress to level 2 at 18. I have taught all levels and I have done some water aerobics.

I like to incorporate fitness with confidence building which will lead to happier and safer environment around water.

Fun Fact about yourself: I enjoy writing stories

Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite Animal: Shoebill

Favourite Hobby: Disciplined combat

Memorable Achievement: Winning first place in Taekwondo

What inspired you to become a swim teacher: The idea of passing on knowledge that could one day save someone’s life

Robert H
Sarah H

Sarah (Poolside Manager / Swimming Instructor / Office Administrator/Tutor)

I teach our Aqua Natal Classes, parent and baby, pre school group lessons, after school lessons and Mermaid. I also Poolside Manage on a Saturday.

I have a teacher training background so I naturally love working with children. I am passionate and enthusiastic in my role and love the kids to have a great time in my lessons as well as learning along the way!

Fun fact about myself: I have met over 30 celebrities

Favourite stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite animal: Giraffe

Favourite hobby: Paddleboarding

Memorable achievement: Being in charge of a jumbo 747

What inspired me to become a swim teacher: I was a teaching assistant alongside my full time job and realised how much I loved it. I saw some great teachers and wanted to be the same! I love nothing more than seeing the children have fun, progress and smile when they see me

Marie (Swimming Instructor / Office Administrator)

I learnt to swim as a young child and progressed quickly, being selected for school galas and then joining a swimming club. I left after a short period to pursue athletics competitively, which I continued with until I was 21. I have completed GCSE PE and A level Sports Studies, before training as a fitness instructor and then swimming Instructor in 2001. More recently, I also gained my Coaching qualification and coach with Poole Swimming Club.

Fun fact: I can do a backflip

Favourite Stroke: Backstroke

Favourite animal: Dolphin

Favourite hobby: Yoga

Memorable achievement: Having my 2 children

Fun fact: I can do a backflip


Alex (Swimming Instructor)

Since I was 3 months old I have been in the water and swimming. I joined Poole swimming club when I was 11 and continue to train with them today in their regional squad.

I really enjoy teaching as it is very rewarding to be able to watch students progress and improve as well as enjoy and learn the sport that I love.

Fun fact about yourself: Climbed tallest mountain in the UK

Favourite animal: Puffin

Favourite Stroke: Backstroke

Favourite hobby: Swimming

Memorable achievement: 7 grade 9s at GCSE

Alex M
Alex W

Alex W (Swimming Instructor)

I have always loved swimming and I learnt to swim at a young age.

For many years swimming was only a hobby for me as I pursued a career in Early Years. I worked in childcare for 16 years and during this time I completed a BA Honours Degree in Early Years.

When my daughter was 6 months old, I started taking her to swimming lessons. I loved it so much I decided to change my career and combine my passion for swimming with my knowledge of child development.

My knowledge and experience of working with many different children really helps me to support the children in the water while also making learning fun.

I can adapt my teaching style to suit each child’s needs. I have completed my STA Baby and Pre-school swim teaching qualification and I am very excited to continue my professional development within my new role.

Fun fact: I’ve spent time banana farming in Australia

Favourite stroke: backstroke

Favourite animal: Rhino

Favourite hobby: Darts

Memorable achievement: jumping out of a plane at 14000 feet

What inspired you to become a swimming teacher: watching my daughters swimming lessons made me see how much fun it was. I just had to join the fun.

Anand (Swimming Instructor)

Managing ADHD growing up showed that different style of teaching has a huge impact on the ability to learn and how important it is to teach in a range of styles to accommodate for the individuals. I swam competitively to regional level and played in a national league for water polo, I love paddleboarding, climbing and all types of watersports!

Fun Fact: I tend to say hello to the dogs before the person.

Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite Animal: Dogs

Favourite Hobby: Swimming

Memorable Achievement:

What inspired you to become a swim teacher:

Alex W

Erin (Swimming Instructor)

Fun fact about yourself: I have 6 other siblings!

Favourite animal: Otters

Favourite Stroke: Front crawl

Favourite hobby: Drawing

Memorable achievement: Competing nationally at gymnastics


Georgia (Swimming Instructor / Office Administrator)

I’ve been swimming for as long as i can remember and have always loved the water. I started Poole Swimming Club at the age of 11 and competed in regional finals.

After a massive career change I became a swimming teacher and absolutely love it! It’s amazing watching the swimmers confidence grow each week whilst teaching such an important life skill.

Fun Fact about yourself: I won 8 thousand pounds from Heart radio

Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite Animal: Lion

Favourite Hobby: Football

Memorable Achievement: I have ran a marathon

What inspired you to become a swim teacher: My competitive swimming background drove me to pass on the love of the water to others

Jamie (Swimming Instructor)

I started swimming ever since I could start talking and spent most of my life swimming with my family and friends ever since.

I joined Individuality at the age of 15 and soon qualified to be an STA swimming teacher at 16.

I enjoy teaching because it helps others to learn and improve at swimming, gaining confidence and experience along the way.

Fun fact: me, my brother and my mum have three days between each of our birthdays.

Memorable achievement: Achieving my grade 8 in drama

Favourite stroke: front crawl

Memorable achievement: Achieving my grade 8 in drama

Favourite hobby: Drama

Favourite animal: Sword fish


Jodie (Swimming Instructor)

I learnt to swim at a young age, progressing onto fitness and competitive groups. I started as a swimming helper and then became a Swimming Instructor. I have recently passed my parent and baby qualification which is something different. Seeing the little babies be in the pool for the first time is so sweet. Learning the life skill from birth is a great way to be happy in the water. I love teaching adults and children to swim and watching their confidence grow as they progress through the stages.

Fun Fact about yourself: I have 3 rabbits

Favourite Stroke: Front crawl

Favourite Animal: Panda

Favourite Hobby: Swimming

Memorable Achievement: Passing my parent and baby teaching qualification

Joey (Swimming Instructor)

Being a swimming teacher is such a rewarding job. Teaching children the life skill of swimming saves lives and I look forward to my classes to see the children progress each week.

Favourite animal: Panther

Favourite stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite hobby: Gym and striving for further self improvement

Memorable achievement: Achieving my level 2 teaching qualification


Keegan (Swimming Instructor)

Having come from a country where people spend a lot of time outdoors because of the good weather, my family and I were always in the swimming pool or at the beach.

I think it is important for everyone to learn how to swim. I get to be in the pool which I love and help teach children how to swim at the same time which is great.

Fun fact about yourself: I love doing physical activities such as mountain biking

Favourite animal: Lion

Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite hobby: Riding my bike

Memorable achievement: Duke of Edinburgh silver award

Laura (Swimming Instructor)

Swimming has always been a massive part of my life ever since my mum took me to mother and baby swim classes when I was little.

I became a volunteer for a Down Syndrome swim club at home where I learnt to teach swimmers with very specific difficulties to learn an important life skill and to have fun while doing it.

I have always loved teaching and find it really rewarding, so when I was offered the chance to train as a swim teacher I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Swim teaching is so much more than just my job – it is so fulfilling.

I always look forward to seeing my swimmers every week and each time I teach I always leave with a massive smile on my face.

Fun fact: I’m left handed

Favourite animal: Shih Tzu (especially my dogs Archie and Monty)

Favourite stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite hobby: Dance

Memorable achievement: Competing in cheerleading at Bournemouth 7s festival


Louis (Swimming Instructor)

Learning to swim at a young age made me fall in love with the sport. I carried on swimming and competed in regionals when I was 15. I now coach the county squad at our local swim club. Teaching the little ones at Individuality is great because I can see them progress up the levels and some even into the swim clubs. Swimming is such a great sport and I love teaching it to all ages and abilities.

Fun fact about yourself: I have coached with an Olympian

Favourite animal: Penquin

Favourite Stroke: Fly

Favourite hobby: Swimming

Memorable achievement: Passing my driving test first time


Lucy G (Swimming Instructor)

As a teacher, I love seeing the children learn and grown and see the potential they have as young swimmers. I want to ensure they enjoy swimming as it’s such an important skill that can save lives and is so much fun. I was looking for a job and one that involves my favourite thing in the world is perfect. The kids are wonderful and I love every week seeing them grow and develop.

Fun fact: I have 2 dogs and 2 cats

Favourite animal: Dolphin

Favourite stroke: Breaststroke

Memorable achievement: Swimming at regional

What inspired you to become a swimming teacher: it was an opportunity to work within the sport that I love and pass that love onto others.

Lucy S (Swimming Instructor)

I began swimming at a young age and at the age of 9 decided to join poole swimming club where I competed at regional level multiple times. I am still a member of the club now and love to swim whenever I can.

I decided to become a swimming teacher because it is so rewarding to watch children develop both their skills and their love for swimming.

Fun fact: I’ve been skiing since I was 2 years old

Favourite stroke: Backstroke

Favourite animal: Bear

Favourite Hobby: Netball

Memorable achievement: Junior and Senior sportswoman at my school

What inspired you to be a swim teacher: Swimming is a big part of my life as I swam competitively for 7 years and teaching allows me to pass on my passion and love of swimming to children. It is so fulfilling seeing the children develop.

Lucy S
Lucy S

Lucy T (Swimming Instructor)

I first joined individuality as a helper in which I loved to see the kids thrive, because of this reason I chose to become a teacher at individuality. I teach my children in a fun and interactive environment, making sure safety is a key aspect of my lessons. I love to enrich their understanding of the water through games that help them to develop their language and motor skills. My aim is to make sure that all children are helped if they need it, inside or outside of lessons.

Fun fact about yourself: I qualified to dance in blackpool tower

Favourite animal: Panda

Favourite Stroke: Fron crawl

Favourite hobby: Dancing

Memorable achievement: Passing my swimming teachers award and having the best job

Maisie (Swimming Instructor)

I have always loved being in the water and the last few years I have done a lot of work with young people which I’ve really enjoyed. So naturally I thought becoming a swimming instructor would be a great opportunity for me! I started as a helper and have now achieved my teaching award, I would love to also be able to teach parent and baby and mermaid classes in the future! I love swimming in the sea (even in the winter!) as well as paddleboarding. Being a swimming teacher is so important and rewarding but also great fun! 

Fun fact about me: I have scuba dived in the Great Barrier reef!

Favourite stroke: Front Crawl

Favourite Animal: Elephant

Favourite Hobby: Baking!

Most memorable achievement: Finishing my degree!

swimming instructor

Matthew (Swimming Instructor/Office Administrator)

I love being a swim teacher because growing up I was pretty scared of water and swimming in general, but over time and with lessons, I managed to grow and reach where I am today. This leads to my love for the job because I can help people grow, whether over their fear of water or watching their overall progress throughout the lessons!

Why I Teacher: As I used to struggle with Confidence in the water when I was younger my swimming teacher was a great inspiration to me and I hope to carry on that Legacy.

Fun Fact: I Nutmegged a Chelsea Football Player

Favourite Stroke: Front Crawl

Favourite Animal: Roborovski Dwarf Hamster

Favourite Hobby: Football / Long Distance Running

Memorable Achievement: Hitting my Pre-Injury PB when Running.

Sam W

Rhianna (Swimming Instructor)

I learnt to swim as a child and became a helper for the company after a family member recommended the company. I was quickly noticed by the company in my abilities and put forward to complete my swimming teachers qualification. Once I passed this and became a instructor for the company I took on more hours. It’s so great and I feel like I have found something I enjoy but also get to do for a job.

After leaving school I became employed by Individuality Swimming. Completing my teachers qualification means I get to teach such an important skill and enjoy my time doing it. It’s really fun to see the kids progress and enjoy the water. I teach at lots of different pools we hire and seeing the children smiling and laughing when they come to the lessons is the best feeling. I have lots of pets at home and enjoying walking my dogs with my friends.

Fun fact about yourself: I have 4 dogs and 6 siblings

Favourite animal: Dog

Favourite Stroke: Front crawl

Favourite hobby: Football

Memorable achievement: Passing my swimming instructors course

Sam W (Swimming Instructor)

I have been a Swimming coach for 5 years and this is now my first year of swim teaching. I’ve been swimming since I was 3 years old and have since progressed into triathlons. I have qualified for the Great British Triathlon Team.

I enjoy teaching because you get to see the children progress all the way through. You can see them start as Non-swimmers and then when they complete all the levels they end up as competent swimmers. I get a great sense of satisfaction knowing I helped that.

Fun fact about yourself: I’ve taught a professional footballer how to swim

Favourite animal: Rabbit

Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite hobby: Triathlons

Memorable achievement: Representing my country at Triathlon internationally

Sam W

Tyler (Swimming Instructor)

I’m a swimming instructor at Individuality. I was such a water baby from birth… where I found water I was in it, safe to say I started swimming early on and I continue to swim in the sea whenever I can.

I love helping the children`s confidence grow in the water and gain the love water. So important for where we live. I loved my beach days and swimming parties as a child so its great to be able to help with others so they can enjoy the water like I did.

Fun fact about yourself:

Favourite animal: Cats

Favourite Stroke: Backstroke

Memorable achievement: Doing really well in my GCSEs

Tyler H

Vladka (Swimming Instructor)

I am a keen swimmer and enjoy various watersports. I also like to swim in the sea throughout the winter months.

I enjoyed bringing my own children to swimming lessons and watching their progress, so I decided to train as a swimming teacher when the opportunity arose.

I get huge satisfaction seeing children of all levels progress with each lesson. I always aim to deliver fun lessons where children are developing and learning new skills each week.

Victoria (Vicki) (Swimming Instructor)

I had swimming lessons from the age of 4 and have always loved swimming. I have always spent as much of my free time as possible in the pool or the sea.

When my own children started having swimming lessons, I watched the Instructors and kept thinking to myself how much of a fun and interesting job it looked compared to my office work! Once all 3 of my children had started school, I trained, and qualified as a Swimming Instructor and Parent and Baby Instructor starting my new swimming journey with Individuality. I’ve never looked back.

Favourite animal: Cat

Favourite Stroke: Front crawl

Favourite hobby: Live music

Victoria (Vicki)
Victoria (Vicki)

Will (Swimming Instructor)

Fun Fact: I play the trombone

Favourite stroke: Butterfly

Favourite animal: Snow owl

Favourite hobby: Sailing

Memorable achievement: Climbing to the peak of Mount Snowdon when I was 12 with Scouts

What inspired me to become a swimming teacher? I have been swimming since the age of 3, and soon by age of 7 I was swimming competitively for Poole Swimming Club and still am. I had amazing support from my swimming teacher of whom helped to build my confidence and my love for the water. And now I want to pass my love of swimming to the next generation after me, and enjoy their swimming journey as much as I have.

Zoe (Swimming Instructor)

I am a teacher at Individuality. I started to learn to swim at a young age, and seeing as I enjoyed it so much, at the age of 7 I joined Poole Swimming Club, where I competed at Counties and Regionals multiple times, and I am still a member of the club.

I wanted to become a helper to help see children develop new skills in the water and improve their swimming for the better. In the future, I would love to get my swimming teacher qualification to continue helping young swimmers.

Fun fact about myself: I have 2 cats and 2 dogs

Favourite stroke: Freestyle

Favourite animal: Monkey 

Favourite hobby: Kung fu

Memorable achievement: Going to regionals

What inspired me to become a swim teacher: To teach others how to have fun and stay safe around the water learning new skills

Zoe B
Amelia F

Aric (Helper)

Fun fact: I play the guitar

Favourite stroke: Backstroke or underwater swimming I enjoy how peaceful it is

Favourite animal: Meerkat

Favourite hobby: Playing online games with friends

Memorable achievement: Winning a game of paintball with friends

What inspired you to become a swimming teacher: To help others

Amelia F (Helper)

I have always loved swimming and wanted to work with kids for a long time. When I heard about jobs at Individuality I knew I would love it and I enjoyed it straight away and love being able to help children learn to swim!

Amelia F

Dexter (Helper)

At individuality I experience how much of a joy it is to help to teach to the children, I’ve always enjoyed swimming, especially my own swimming lessons. I’m grateful to be able to have this opportunity to help out and give back.

Fun fact: I play guitar

Favourite stroke: Front crawl

Favourite animal: Short hair grey cat

Favourite hobby: Football

Memorable achievement: Performing at a concert to 300 people

What inspired you to become a swimming teacher: Teach the younger generation a much needed skill

Holly (Helper)

I joined Individuality as a helper in Sept 2022 and really enjoy teaching all the children to be safe in the water whilst developing a love of swimming.

I had swimming lessons from a very young age and have always been in or around the water in a pool or at the beach.

When I was 8 years old I joined Poole Swimming Club and I swim competitively at County and Regional Level.

I love seeing the children enjoying their lessons, improving each week and achieving skills they’ve previously found tricky.

Fun fact about myself- I have met and played table tennis with previous world champion in the 100 and 200 metre freestyle, David Popivici!

Favourite animal- giraffe.

Favourite stroke- Breastroke

Favourite hobby- Competitive swimming

Memorable achievement- in 2021, I was part of a school relay Swimming team which paced 7th in the ESSA national final.

Isaac G

Isaac (Helper)

Hi, my name is Isaac and I am currently working as a helper for Individuality Swimming.

I like doing my job because I think that being able to swim from a young age is important and it is an essential life skill.

I have swam since I was a baby and I have worked up to being a county-level swimmer for Swim Bournemouth.


Keeley (Helper)

During my time at Individuality, I enjoy helping children gain a love for the water as well as seeing them gain confidence and progress in the water.

I have loved water since a very early age from low level swimming lessons all the way up to when I joined Poole Swimming Club at the age of 8 where I went on to swim at a Regional level.

Fun fact: I currently swim for a lifeguarding club where I regularly compete against other clubs across England.

Favourite animal: Dog

Favourite stroke: Breaststroke


Lily-Rose (Helper)

I have always loved the water since my own swimming lessons at an early age. I aspire to always be working around the water and oceans, when I saw there was an opening to be a helper at Individuality, I jumped at the chance to help others share my love of water and grow in confidence while swimming.

I love helping the teachers support the kids as they learn, as I feel learning to swim is an important skill in life.

Fun fact : I have a pet turtle called Merlin

Favourite animal : Any animal which lives in the ocean

Favourite stroke: Front crawl

Favourite hobby: Reading

Memorable achievement : taking part in a beginners experience day of scuba diving in Greece where I saw loads of amazing marine life like a sea turtle and lion fish

Millie (Helper)

My names Millie and a fact about myself is that I’m independent, family oriented and love being around my younger family members

My favourite stroke: Breaststroke

My favourite animal: Dolphin

My favourite hobby: Dancing

My memorable achievement was when i wrote a story and my story won and was published in a book!

what inspired me to become a swim teacher was- I love swimming and I love looking after younger children, it’s something about helping them and making them laugh that brings a smile to my face


Molly-Marie (Helper)

I really enjoyed my swimming lessons with Individually Swimming from the age of 8 to 14 and I was extremely pleased when I had the opportunity to help other children experience gaining this very important life skill.

From an early age I have always loved being in the water, but I guess the aspiration to be a swimming teacher had developed overtime whilst having swimming lessons. The way the swimming teachers encouraged and helped me to develop in such a positive way, had a big impact on me, and I felt that I would love to do the same to help other children.

Favourite stroke: Back stroke

Favourite animal: Dog and seal

Favourite hobby: Acting and dancing/going to the theatre

Memorable achievement: Getting the role as Rizzo in Grease the musical. v

Tim (Helper)

Fun fact about myself: very good at table tennis

Favourite animal: elephant

Favourite stroke: breaststroke

Favourite hobby: going on walks

Memorable achievement: taught myself to play piano at grade 4

Vera - swimming helper
Vera - swimming helper

Vera (Helper)

Since a very young age, swimming has been an important part of my life. For seven years, I really enjoyed swimming competitively at Swim Bournemouth and BCS Swimming Club.

As a helper at Individuality, my focus has now changed to helping young children learn to swim which I find very rewarding. I hope to pass on my love of swimming to a whole new generation.

Favourite animal: Otters

Favourite stroke: Breaststroke

Favourite hobby: Baking

Memorable achievement: Making it through my silver DofE expedition!

Pregnant Mums

Aqua natal classes are the best way to ease pregnancy aches and pains along with a full body workout. Feel weightless in pool and forget about the stresses and strains on your body.

Parent & Baby

Parent and Baby swimming classes involve lots of play to help the children learn. We also use submersion techniques to help the children feel confident in the water.

Children can start from just 6 weeks old. 


Private swimming lessons provide the greatest flexibility and one-on-one attention for swimmers of any age, beginners or improvers.


We offer small group swimming lessons for children, with no more than five children in a group you are assured that your child receives the individual attention important to develop their swimming skills.

The children will learn all the safety aspects of swimming without their parents.

Private 1-2-1 Lessons

1-2-1 swimming lessons help children to learn with confidence. We can adapt the structure of the lessons to suit your child’s individual needs.

Open Water

If you’re interested in seeing for yourself what all the fuss is about, our open-water swimming lessons are for you! We can teach you exactly how to relax and enjoy safe swimming in the sea.


This fun activity allows young swimmers to wear a special mermaid tail outfit and learn how to swim like a real-life mermaid (or merman!)

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