It’s time to get Summer ready

learn to swim in Bournemouth

With the weather improving and the summer holidays fast approaching, now is the time to get ready for the summer.

With swimming being an amazing activity that can be done at any age, building water confidence for both you and your children is key to making the most of your summer whether in the swimming pool or playing in the sea.

International Learn to Swim Week 2023

This week, alongside swimming schools from more than 30 countries, we’ve been celebrating International Learn to Swim Week.  Focusing on all of those involved in helping and enjoying a key life skill and the wonderful benefits swimming provides #LoveWaterSafely.

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook as we’ve shared posts on International Learn to Swim Week to help you stay safe and have fun in the water.

Swimming is a life skill you will always have and use whether that is to stay safe around water, for exercise or to have fun with the family. So why not get Summer ready? Book your swimming lessons now by calling 01202 031701.

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